finance app



brand identity
mobile & desktop design

ASIDE is a money saving tool created for anyone who wants to achieve their goals: their dream vacation, to get a degree or to buy the latest video-game console. ASIDE takes its name from a colloquial Italian phrase referring to the act of saving, taking care and make money grow.

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Aside app welcome screen mockup
Aside desktop version mockup

1/3 brand identity


ASIDE’s logo talks through its simplicity. Reminiscent of a coin, it still has the materiality of a small penny in one's pocket, while symbolising a digital piggy bank.


ASIDE’s logo talks through its simplicity. Reminiscent of a coin, it still has the materiality of a small penny in one's pocket, while symbolising a digital piggy bank.

Aside logo
Aside business card and envelope


Type in use: Cabinet Grotesk Variable. Used both for headlines and body copy in its different weights, it gives a fresh touch to the overall product.


ASIDE’s logo talks through its simplicity. Reminiscent of a coin, it still has the materiality of a small penny in one's pocket, while symbolising a digital piggy bank.

Cabinet Grotesk Variable typeface sample
Cabinet Grotesk Variable typeface sample on desktop version


CREAM WHITE, DEEP BLUE, RELAXED GREEN. Three simple colours that embody safeness, reliability and seriousness.

Colour palette: cream
Colour palette: blue
colour palette: green


Aside app iPhone mockup. Five screens
Aside landing page mockup



A user story was selected to develop this prototype. Imagine: as a user, you need to be able to tell the tool what your savings goal is and you want to know how quickly you reach your goal. Try the functionalities to accomplish you task. 

You will navigate through:  
- the login process;
- see a dashboard of finances clearly and visually;
- add & set new goals;
- choose a plan;
- have an overview of you goal;


ASIDE’s logo talks through its simplicity. Reminiscent of a coin, it still has the materiality of a small penny in one's pocket, while symbolising a digital piggy bank.